Reflection and Scattering
365nm to 970nm 
7 wavelengths 
0.01% resolution
0.1% accuracy


Reflectometer-Scaterometer for Telescope Mirror Monitoring


The CT7 Instrument has been developed in close collaboration between OPO sprl and A1Pixel.  

A1pixel staff has provided contribution to software and electronics development of CT7. Bearing the charge of keeping the software up-to date, we have created the CT7HotlLine service.

"OPO has a special connection and dedication to astronomy due to the original activity of its chief and founder. This is the last activity that he would abandon and lately he has put all his past experience in designing a new specular multi wavelength reflectometer uniquely dedicated to his fellows astronomers. This is called the Coatest 7L reminding of the 7 wavelength bands it operates. The design of this instrument is accompanied by a thorough theoretical study of the problem. Hence, for the first time astronomers will be relying on an instrument that, from the very start, has been thought solely for their purpose, with no economical or other bias; and the chosen solution if fully and amply justified by rational arguments as it should always be the case in scientific fields. " (source:   CT7 at OPO sprl  )

The CT7 is dedicated to monitoring of the coating’s quality of the high grade optical surfaces. CT7 measures the specular reflection and (option) scattering index using seven wavelengths covering the range from UV to near IR. The user can use all of them or select the wavelengths which are interesting for his particular measurement. Measurements are performed few second after pressing the START, enabling gently placing on the precious mirror surface. Configurations of the instrument and data retrieval are facilitated by PC application CT-7 Console.

   See CT7 Flyer
Measuring reflectivity with CT7
Measuring reflectivity of a telescope mirror.

The www of  conceptor of CT7 :   CT7 at OPO sprl 

(local archive copy:  open locally CT7 OPO sprl  )


CT-7 instrument